
End User Licence Agreement

This End User Licence Agreement (EULA) governs your use of our Product. The EULA includes any modifications, updates, upgrades, new releases, and related documentation.

Accept the terms of the EULA

Before installing or using our product and any of its features, please read this End User Licence Agreement carefully. This EULA, together with our Privacy Policy, constitutes a legally binding agreement between us and you. By clicking the 'ACCEPT' or 'ADD' button (or similar) and installing our Product, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by this EULA. The Dispute Resolution section of this EULA also includes the class action waiver and arbitration provision. If you do not agree to any of the terms of this EULA or if applicable law prevents you from accepting this EULA, you may not use our product.


We reserve the right to modify this EULA at any time without prior notice and at our sole discretion. We will make reasonable efforts to inform you of any significant changes in a way that we consider appropriate. The revised terms will take effect from the 'Last Modified' date indicated above, and your use of our Product after that date will indicate your acceptance and agreement to the updated terms.

Eligibility and age restrictions

By entering into this EULA, you confirm that you have the authority to do so. No authority, court order or law shall prevent you from entering into this Agreement while acting on behalf of the Company. Additionally, you confirm that you are of legal age to enter into this EULA and that you are at least thirteen years of age if you are in the United States or at least sixteen years of age if you are in the EU. If you live outside these areas, you must be older than the age defined by applicable law for a 'child.' We reserve the right to request proof of age at any time to ensure that minors, as defined by applicable law, are not using our products. If you are under 18, please make sure to read this EULA with your parents or legal guardian.

Scope of services

You can install our browser add-on to block a variety of ads, such as video ads, interstitial ads, floating ads, pop-ups, banners, and text ads. Please note that we do not own, develop, control, monitor, or review the content of the ads or the websites that display them.

Licences and intellectual property rights

You are granted a personal, non-commercial, limited, revocable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable and non-exclusive right and license to use, access, download and install our Product, provided that you comply with this EULA. We reserve all rights and interests in our Product, including trademarks, service marks, components, code, protocols, software, and documentation. Our Product may include derivative works, improvements, and modifications that are our property or the property of our licensors, protected by international copyright, trademark, patent, and other proprietary rights and laws. The limited license granted herein is the only exception. Do not use, delete, alter or remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices embedded in our Product. We reserve the right to disable access to the Product for anyone who uses it to infringe intellectual property rights.

Warranties and guarantees

By using the Product, you confirm that you own or are authorised to use the device on which it is installed. Please follow our instructions when installing and using the Product, and ensure that you comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

Restrictions of use

You are not allowed to copy, share, distribute, rent, lease or offer for resale the license granted in this EULA, except as provided. Moreover, you must not interfere with the security features of the Product or with other users' use of the Product. The Product or any part thereof, including any source code, may not be copied, modified, decompiled, disassembled, or reverse-engineered. You may not catalogue, download, store, reproduce, or distribute the content provided within the Product, or manipulate the Product in any way using automated devices such as spiders, robots, or data mining techniques. Our name, logo, or trademarks may not be used without our prior written consent. The Product must not be used for fraudulent, unlawful, or improper purposes, such as infringing or misappropriating intellectual property rights, violating the privacy rights of third parties, or breaching this EULA.

Warranty disclaimer

We provide the Product on an 'AS IS' and 'AS AVAILABLE' basis. We expressly disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, regarding our Product. We cannot guarantee that our Product will always be available, secure, or free from viruses, worms, or other harmful components or software limitations. Please be aware that you rely on our product or its contents entirely at your own risk. Our product is provided as-is, and we cannot be held responsible for any harm that may result from its use, including data loss or damage to your device. We do not guarantee that any errors, omissions or exclusions will be corrected.

Limitation of liability

We are not responsible for any damages, including lost profits, lost business or opportunity, goodwill or other intangible losses, arising from the use or inability to use our product, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, consequential or exemplary, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. In some places, it may not be possible to exclude or limit liability for damages. If this is the case, our liability will be limited to the extent allowed by law.

Reimbursement of losses

By using our product, you agree to protect, defend, and hold us harmless from any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, debts, and expenses, including legal fees, resulting from your use of the product or any violation of this EULA.

Termination EULA

This agreement becomes effective upon installation or first use of our product. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time. We may terminate this Agreement immediately, with or without cause, without further action or notice. You may stop using our Product at any time and for any reason by uninstalling it. To uninstall the Product, please use the standard uninstall procedures provided in your browser's settings and remove the extension. Please note that if either the User or the Company initiates termination, any data associated with the User's use of our Product may be destroyed. The Company is not responsible for any suspension, termination, or deletion of the User's access to the Product or any of its components.

Updates and changes to our product

Our product's features and functions may change at any time without notice. When you install the product, it will periodically connect to our servers to request automatic updates to filtering algorithms and behaviour. By using the product, you agree to the automatic downloading and installation of these updates without prior notice. By using the Product, you agree to receive updates that improve and develop it, including bug fixes, updated features, new software modules, and new versions. We are not obligated to provide additional features, functionality, updates, or bug fixes. If the Product does not meet your expectations, your only option is to stop using it and uninstall it.

Dispute Resolution

In case of a disagreement, please contact us at [email protected] to try and resolve the issue informally. If we are unable to reach an agreement, any claim, dispute or controversy related to this EULA will be settled through binding and exclusive arbitration before the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"), unless mandatory law requires otherwise. Claims must be brought individually, not as a plaintiff or class member in any class or representative proceeding. The arbitrator cannot consolidate claims of more than one person. By agreeing to this EULA, you and we waive any right to a jury trial or to participate in a class action. If you wish to waive this arbitration provision, you must refuse to use our product. The arbitration agreement will remain valid even after this EULA ends. The laws of the State of New York will govern and interpret this EULA, without considering its conflict of laws principles. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, if any, will not govern it. If you have a claim arising under the arbitration provision of this EULA, you must submit the dispute to the exclusive jurisdiction of a state or federal court located in New York, Manhattan. You must also submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located in New York County for the purpose of resolving the dispute. Your right to bring any legal action relating to the Product is limited to one month from the date of occurrence, after which time it is forever barred.


This End User Licence Agreement (EULA) is the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties regarding the use of our product. If any provision of this EULA is unenforceable, we will modify it only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. This modification will not affect the enforceability of the provision in other instances or the validity of the remaining provisions of this EULA. Not enforcing our rights or taking action for a breach of this EULA does not waive those rights or prevent future action. You cannot assign this EULA or any of the rights granted without our written consent. We reserve the right to assign our rights under this EULA to any third party at our discretion.

Always The Best
